Sustainability Regulation & Frameworks

Get the assessment done using global sustainability regulations and frameworks. The comprehensive analysis to mitigate risk factors.

Global Sustainability regulations and reporting frameworks

We analyze companies based on global Sustainability regulations such as the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), European Union (EU) Taxonomy, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) helping investment firms, private equity firms, and Not-for-profit organisations to understand long term sustainability.

SFDR Research

EU Taxonomy Research

SDG Alignment

Sustainability Regulation and Policy Analysis

SFDR Research

SFDR requires the disclosure of detailed, transparent information through Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) — also referred to as “Level 2 RTS” by the financial market participants.

The standards help financial market participants disclose sustainability information related to their lending and investing activities and thus mitigate green washing risks.

The standards specify the details of content, the presentation of information and, where relevant, methodologies as they relate to: the “do no significant harm” principle.

We help financial market participants and rating agencies in translating SFDR into company level indicators which can be extrapolated to report on portfolio and fund level.

Our team of analysts also help screen companies under coverage on the translated indicators.

EU Taxonomy Research

The EU taxonomy is a cornerstone of the EU’s sustainable finance framework and an important market transparency tool.

The taxonomy is a classification system that defines criteria for economic activities that are aligned with a net zero trajectory by 2050 and the broader environmental goals other than climate.

Our team of ESG analysts are well versed in evaluating companies activities alignment to the taxonomy and capturing revenues, Capex, and Opex pertaining to each of the aligned activities of companies.

SDGs Alignment

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a useful framework created by the United Nations in 2015 to help guide international and even corporate strategy to foster a better sustainable world.

It provides 169 targets underneath its 17 goals that must be achieved in order to capture sustainable development.

Sustainometric help clients map their universe companies’ activities on the 17 broader SDG goals. The SDG mapping of proceeds of bonds is also a common exercise for fixed income portfolios.

Sustainability Regulation and Policy Analysis

Assessment of companies based on Industry and regional regulatory framework and policies.

Involves identification of regulation and policy and assesses the applicability of these policies within the specified timeframe.

Statistics that speak for us!

Research Numbers

Analyzing the majority of valuable companies around the globe across robust indicators to help some of the most valuable Investment firms in the markets.






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