ESG Data & Thematic Reporting

Effective methodologies tailored to client’s unique needs and ambitions. Get continuous tracking and assessment of your portfolio companies related to their performance, risks, and impact.

ESG Data and Thematic Reporting

ESG Data Reporting

Thematic Investing

ESG Data Reporting

Client Monitoring and Reporting

ESG Data and Analysis

ESG Sector Metrics

ESG Company Profiling

Monitoring and reporting refers to the ongoing process of tracking and assessing the performance, risks, and impact of an investment after it has been made.

This process is crucial for investors, such as private equity firms, venture capitalists, and institutional investors, to ensure that their investments are generating the expected returns and aligning with their strategic objectives.

Effective post-investment monitoring and reporting helps investors and asset owners keep an eye on portfolio companies and their progress toward responsible business practices

Thematic Investing

ESG Thematic Reports

ESG Industry & Sector Analysis

Revenue Quantification

Statistics that speak for us!

Research Numbers

Analyzing the majority of valuable companies around the globe across robust indicators to help some of the most valuable Investment firms in the markets.






ESG Clients


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Sustainability Regulation And Frameworks

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Sustainability Benchmarking And Screening

Home Page - ESG Benchmarking & Screening - Sustainometric

Sustainability Advisory

Home Page - ESG Advisory and XBRL Services- Sustainometric