Impact we Create

Our Impact

We advocate sustainability investing and integrate sustainable behavior in our organization in many ways. Sustainability is an integral part of what we do, how we do and what impact we create.

What We Do?

Our business model facilitates the integration of sustainability into investment decisions/new products of our clients. We do this by providing high-quality ESG research.

Our offerings help our clients deal with the challenges of sustainability research such as the cyclical nature of ESG research, high volumes, and increasing cost pressure.

Details of our sustainability policy can be found here.

How Do We Do?

We chose the city of Varanasi, a small town in the North of India, for our operations. It has a positive impact in many ways:

The center provides career opportunities for young professionals in the sustainable investment research field in their hometown. This reduces the migration of individuals to the overcrowded and already straining metropolitan cities in India.

Many individuals have a desire to do something more than their jobs and to create an impact on the society and environment. We create an interest among such individuals to make a career in this field.

It not only creates a steady talent pool for the industry but also helps attract employees from diverse industries bringing in diverse work experience.

Many applicants are interested to join our company as they are intrigued by the idea of sustainability and want to learn more about it.

With an increased understanding of threats that our planet is facing, we believe a well-informed individual is more to take self-initiatives to protect the environment and planet. We encourage all our employees to act in responsible ways and also motivate their family & friends to do the same.

We are on a journey of redefining employment conditions in Indian companies. Our office times are flexible, employees are encouraged to work from home, and adopt healthy living and working habits.

What Impact Do We Create?

We are proud of having created:

Job opportunities and better employment conditions in developing country India;

The talent pool for the sustainability industry;

Awareness in general public, about sustainable investments and sustainability in general, in India where it is still unheard.

Besides, our company also endorses Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a more direct way of creating a positive impact on society:

We visited a philanthropic organisation, Surabhi Shodh Sansthan in Varanasi in August 2019. The organisation is more than 15 years old and runs a residential hostel for 150 girls from underprivileged families from the Eastern states of India, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Nagaland etc.

We organised a volunteer day at the campus to meet the girls, motivate them to complete their education and how to deal with various exploitations they could be facing including, gender discrimination, physical abuse, and early marriage.

We concluded the day with lovely songs that they sung for us and delightful snacks.

With this organisation, we are also trying to promote better female hygiene and the importance of using sanitary napkins.

our impact 1 - SustainoMetric - On Demand ESG Research Provider
our impact 2 - SustainoMetric - On Demand ESG Research Provider
our impact 3 - SustainoMetric - On Demand ESG Research Provider
our impact 4 - SustainoMetric - On Demand ESG Research Provider

Lack of education is one of the main reasons behind the widening gap between rich and poor in India. It is a vicious cycle and breaking this cycle is our vision. We believe education is an answer to many of the problems India is facing today. Therefore, our CSR goal is to provide educational support to children from underprivileged segments of society.

We do not plan to wait for us to grow into a big company to start our efforts in this direction but have rather started taking baby steps and doing small contributions already.

We commit to sponsor girl-child education. We are committed to providing financial assistance to these girls from primary to higher education (including school fee, uniforms, stationary, books, transportation).

To make the impact even further, we not only provide financial assistance but also keep a close track of child’s attendance in the school and progress reports. The parents of these girls need to be convinced as well to make this effort fruitful.

Therefore, we regularly engage with their parents to sensitize them about the importance of their girl’s education.

We will continue to invest time and money in this direction. Our clients feel proud of being associated with us as they become a part of the real impacts, that we create.

Impact We Create

Meet Our Impact Girls


Deepika - Impact Girl - SustainoMetric

School: J P Sainik School
Admission #: 169
Father’s Name: Santosh Kumar
Profession: Painter
Mother’s Name: Manita
Profession: Domestic Help

Muskan Sonkar

Muskan Sonkar - Impact Girl - SustainoMetric

Class: LKG
School: J P Sainik School
Admission #: 168
Father’s Name:  Vijay Sonkar
Profession:  Vegetable Vendor
Mother’s Name:  Meera Sonkar
Profession: Domestic Help

Riddhi Jaiswal

Riddhi Jaiswal - Impact GIrl - SustainoMetric

Class: Nursery
School: J P Sainik School
Admission Year : 2022-23
Father’s Name: Amarnath Jaiswal
Profession: Driver
Mother’s Name: Anjali Jaiswal
Profession: Domestic Help

Aradhya Yadav

Class: LKG
School: Adarsh Shiksha Mandir school
Admission#: 015
Father’s Name: Ajeet Kumar Yadav
Profession: Shop Helper
Mother’s Name: Guriya Yadav

Ananya Yadav

Class: 1ˢᵗ
School: Ideal New Star English school
Admission#: 4629 -SECTION -A
Father’s Name: Akhilesh Yadav
Profession: Shop Helper
Mother’s Name: Pooja Devi

Aradhya Keshari

Class: 5ᵗʰ
Admission#: 5/24/179
Father’s Name: Sonu Keshari
Profession: Work from Tea Stall
Mother’s Name: Ritika Keshari

Aditi Keshari

Class: 6ᵗʰ
Admission#: 002 – SECTION -A
Father’s Name: Ashok Keshari
Profession: Work from Tea Stall
Mother’s Name: Rakhi Keshari


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