Carbon Cycle


The natural process by which carbon atoms move back and forth between the atmosphere, oceans, plants, soil, and living things is called the carbon cycle. The equilibrium of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which affects climate patterns and ecosystem health, must be maintained by this constant movement of carbon.

The cycle includes activities such as photosynthesis, respiration, breakdown, combustion, and ocean absorption, which together control the distribution of carbon on our planet across a range of timescales.

What is the carbon cycle?

Nature recycles carbon atoms through the carbon cycle. All life on Earth is based on carbon.

The foundation of life on Earth is carbon. Our civilizations—our businesses, our homes, and our modes of transportation—are based on carbon, just as humans are formed of carbon and consume it.

All life on Earth is based on carbon, which is necessary to create intricate compounds like proteins and DNA. Our atmosphere also contains carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a form of this element. All life is made possible by carbon, which also helps to maintain the Earth’s temperature, is a vital component of the food that keeps us alive, and serves as a significant energy source for the world’s economy.

The continual process through which carbon atoms travel back and forth between the atmosphere and the Earth is known as the carbon cycle. Our planet and its atmosphere are a closed ecosystem with a steady carbon concentration. Whether the carbon is on Earth or in the atmosphere, its location is always shifting.

Effects of Modifying the Carbon Cycle:

It’s necessary to get rid of all of this extra carbon in some way. The ocean and land plants have absorbed around 55 percent of the extra carbon that humans have so far added to the atmosphere, leaving only 45 percent in the atmosphere. Up to 20% of the extra carbon dioxide may persist in the atmosphere for thousands of years, but the majority will eventually be absorbed by the land and seas.

Changes in the carbon cycle have an impact on each reservoir. Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide warms the planet and encourages the development of terrestrial plants. Marine life is put in danger when there is an excess of carbon in the ocean’s water.

Carbon Cycle Facts:

Along with methane, nitrous oxide, and a group of industrial gases referred to as fluorinated gases, carbon dioxide is one of the principal greenhouse gases. These are the gases that cause the atmosphere to retain heat.

A group of methods collectively referred to as carbon sequestration can be used to extract carbon from the environment, including direct air capture, which draws carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere.

According to, in the past, woods, grasslands, and farmland have historically collected roughly 25% of the carbon emissions from human sources. Additionally, the ocean has absorbed around 30% of the carbon dioxide humans produce. As long as people continue to release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, these percentages will fluctuate.

Human influences on the carbon cycle:

Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, there has been an increase in global demand for the planet’s finite supply of fossil fuels. Because they are being consumed considerably more quickly than they can be created by geological processes, fossil fuels are regarded as a non-renewable resource.

Burning fossil fuels results in the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased due to the expanding usage of fossil fuels.

Another significant factor in the rise of CO2 is deforestation or the clearing of forests. When a forest is removed, a large portion of the carbon that was sequestered by the trees and other ecosystem components is released as CO2.

Although plants and the ocean absorb some of the extra CO2 produced by human activity, these mechanisms do not completely offset the rise.