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So far SustainoMetric has created 34 blog entries.

Carbon Capture and Sequestration


Carbon Capture and Sequestration Carbon Capture and Sequestration is a process designed to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), on the environment and climate change. CCS involves capturing CO2 emissions generated from industrial processes or power plants, transporting the captured CO2 to suitable storage sites, and securely storing [...]

Carbon Capture and Sequestration2023-10-20T19:33:04+05:30

Cap and Trade System


Cap and Trade System Definition: A cap-and-trade system sets a "cap" on the maximum emissions in an effort to cut the combined emissions from a number of emitters. It is stated to be a market-based strategy to reduce overall pollutant emissions and encourage corporate investment in energy efficiency and fossil fuel alternatives. A [...]

Cap and Trade System2023-10-20T18:58:50+05:30

CAFE standards (Corporate Average Fuel Economy)


CAFE standards (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) CAFE standards, or Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards, are regulations set by governments, primarily in the United States, to improve the average fuel efficiency of vehicles sold in a specific region. These standards aim to reduce the overall fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of the automobile [...]

CAFE standards (Corporate Average Fuel Economy)2023-10-20T17:48:48+05:30

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)


Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Definition: A global nonprofit organisation called BSR seeks to create a just and sustainable world with the help of its network of more than 250 member companies. Through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaboration, BSR develops sustainable business strategies and solutions from its offices in Asia, Europe, and North [...]

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)2023-10-20T12:06:29+05:30

Brundtland Commission


Brundtland Commission The Brundtland Commission, formally known as the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), was established by the United Nations in 1983. Named after its chair, Gro Harlem Brundtland, the former Prime Minister of Norway, the commission aimed to address the urgent global environmental challenges and promote sustainable development. Key Objectives [...]

Brundtland Commission2023-10-16T16:44:07+05:30



Bioremediation Definition: Bioremediation is a process that utilizes living organisms, such as microorganisms or plants, to naturally and effectively remove, degrade, or neutralize pollutants and contaminants from the environment, resulting in the restoration or improvement of a contaminated area's ecological balance and overall quality. What Is Bioremediation? It is a subfield of biotechnology [...]




Biomimicry Biomimicry, also known as biomimetics, is an interdisciplinary scientific approach that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating nature's time-tested patterns and strategies. It involves studying biological systems, processes, and elements in the natural world and applying the knowledge gained to design innovative technologies, materials, and systems for human use. Biomimicry [...]




Biofuel Definition: Biofuel is a variety of renewable energy sources derived from organic materials like plants, crops, and waste, utilized as an alternative to conventional fossil fuels for powering vehicles, and machinery, and generating heat or electricity. What is Biofuel: Biofuel is a type of fuel that is an alternative to fossil fuels [...]


Biodynamic Agriculture


Biodynamic Agriculture Definition: A comprehensive and regenerative approach to farming, gardening, and the production and processing of food is known as biodynamic farming. Because it considers the wider picture and attempts to give back more than it takes, it has greater criteria than organic agriculture. Since 1924, setting extremely high standards for organic [...]

Biodynamic Agriculture2023-10-10T18:19:24+05:30



Biodiversity Definition : The biodiversity reflects to the diversity of life on Earth at all scales, from genes to ecosystems, and can add the ecological, evolutionary, and cultural processes that support life. Humans and the variety of human cultures are considered to be an element of biodiversity by the Centre for Biodiversity and [...]

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